Sunday, November 30, 2008

Final Drift Video

This is my final video.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sound Rough Cut Sketch #2

This is my rough sound sketch in where I am displaying a roller coaster feel along with sounds that simulate that.

Sound Rough Cut Sketch #1

This is my rough sketch that displays a combination of stills and clips and used interesting sounds.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Silent Rough Cut Sketch #2

This is my rough sketch for all the objects that I found that were round.

Silent Rough Cut Sketch #1

This is my rough sketch for all things that are flat and smooth.

Drift 2 Production Strategy

For my drift 2, I am going to use the strategy of walking a block turning left, walking another block and turning right and so on. I also will walk in a circular pattern so that I end up at the point I started.

On my walk I will be looking for surfaces that are smooth and flat, so ledges, handrails and other objects similar to that. For all flat surfaces the camera will travel upwards or horizontally and for all round object the camera will travel downward or horizontally.

On my sound walk I was looking for any interesting sound that I thought would be useful. On that walk I was having difficulties with my MD player so I had to cut it short but I felt I acquired enough sounds to created my final product.

Drift 2 Map

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Here is a map of the path I walked on my drift two to get my visual imagery and sound